Welcome to the blog of FSX/P3D developer Dutcheeseblend! Enjoy reading!

Friday, 27 February 2015

War Memorial Moerdijk

Hi everybody,

Again, I need to mention the War Memorial for the fallen Dutch Fokker crew who died in their effort to bomb the bridge near Moerdijk on May 13, 1940. They had to do so, in order to stop the advancing Hitler troops on their way to the capital of Holland. Before the flight, the crewmen already knew they wouldn't survive because of the Luftwaffe air superiority over the target. They yet did their mission, but failed because of a bomb malfunction and miss. The crew of both the Fokker T.5 bomber and an escorting Fokker G.1 fighter were killed in action.

A far relative of the T.5 pilot (W.F. Anceaux) is setting up a memorial event on May 13, 2015. Simultaneous with initiating my FSX Fokker T.5 project, I decided to jump into his project with providing him a supporting video, made using FSX and my T.5.

This video will be made by one of the best Dutch flight simulation 'Flight Directors', most commonly known as JRSchiphol. My T.5 is for about 85% complete for this videoshooting, so this is progressing quite nicely.

At the other hand, mr. Wim Anceaux, the pilot's relative, has put up both a foundation and a website. In order to finance his project, he started crowdfunding, which can be found here.
In short, this is the video mr. Anceaux uses to attract people.

To conclude, I'd like you to please consider supporting this project via the crowdfunding! Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


Thursday, 26 February 2015

T.5 project status

Hi all,

The T.5 is coming along nicely. I made the base textures for the exterior and mr. Huub Vink (who has also made a few extra paints for the upcoming TacPacked D.21 update) shaded them and did a bit of weathering on them. I now have added specularity and bump maps, which looks pretty good.
Here's a pic.

By the way, the tailwheel's orientation is reversed, due to some struggles with the skinned meshes. I still need to get comfortable with these bones.

Regards, Daan

Monday, 9 February 2015

TacPack and the D.21

Hi everybody,

First, I want to thank you very much for your enthousiasm about the D.21! I regularly count the downloads on the various sites and concluded, last week the total download count passed 4000 (since December 19). That feels good!

As some of you might have observed, VRS published TacPack version (the former being That's good news for me, since my D.21 is based on this version. So, I run through a testing process and in a while, a shooting D.21 will be released, including a few more fantastic repaints.

Regards, Daan

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Moerdijkbridges T.5 crash commemoration

Hi everybody,

As you might know, my FSX T.5 is part of a project for the commemoration of the crash of T.5 856 near the bridges of Moerdijk, 13th of May 1940. You can find more information at http://www.13mei1940.nl/

Please have a look there ;)

Kind regards, Daan