Welcome to the blog of FSX/P3D developer Dutcheeseblend! Enjoy reading!

Saturday, 25 April 2015

D.21 pre-release beta of V2.00

Hi everybody,

I'm pleased to tell that D.21 V2.00 enters pre-release to a selected team of beta testers tonight. So final release of V2.00 won't be far away.

Kind regards, Daan

Friday, 24 April 2015

D.21 update

Hi everybody,

Quick, short note: Fokker D.21 FSX V2.00 (TacPack) is expected to be released soon.

Regards, Daan

Monday, 20 April 2015

Fokker T.5 video recordings

Hi there,

To show you a tiny bit of the video recording work we're working on, I put here an image I borrowed from JRSchiphol's FB.

As you can see, Fokker G.1 304 shouldn't be there because it wasn't the 304, and these are early colors. But it gives a nice view!

The T.5 cannot be downloaded yet, but the G.1 (in beta, where it will ever remain), can be downloaded here: http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=fokker&categoryId=&page=2&filename=


Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Projects progress

Hi everybody,

It's been a while since I posted here, but that doesn't mean I haven't done anything. I'll give an overview of the current status of the several (correlated) projects I'm on at the moment.

Fokker D.21 FSX - V2.00

The Fokker D.21 has just been downloaded over 5000 times since official release! All those who use it: thank you very much, I hope you enjoy my creation!
The upcoming version of the D.21 will be V2.00. I've been thinking about a V1.50 or anything else between 1 and 2, but since there will be changed 'a lot', I decided to increase the version number to 2.00. What will be included?

- TacPack support for the D.21. That implies: working guns ;)
- Improved Flight Dynamics. Note: if you think the V1.00 FD are better, use them. Never mind.
- Additional, high quality repaints (LVA 219, 221, 229, 236 and MLM/NMM replica) for the 1940 version.

Though this list is pretty well finished ATM, I can't give a release date for V2.00 yet. I'll keep you updated!

Fokker T.5 FSX

The T.5 bird is in 90% finished state regarding the exterior model. Some small details in both model and texture need to be done yet, but the overall thing is good to go (for the video, see below). I am still missing information, so if you have some good photographs, drawings or data on the T.5 - welcome!

Moerdijkbridges memorial video
Flight recordings of the memorial video have been started. Don't know what this project is about? Please visit this website. For the memorial, JRSchiphol and I are creating a video, showing the fatal flight on 13-5-1940. This video will be shown in the memorial service on May 13, 2015, in Dordrecht.

Photograph by Huub Vink
On April 10, last friday, I gave a presentation about the virtual D.21 in the CRASH Museum in Aalsmeerderbrug. This museum is the home of the wreck of D.21 229 (also featured in Fokker D.21 FSX - V2.00), flown by Koos Roos during the German invasion in May 1940. The people of the museum are very very friendly and helpful in the D.21 and T.5 projects.
The entire museum has an open atmosphere (actually, you can even touch the wreckages!).
If you're close to Schiphol, please visit the museum! Their website: http://www.crash40-45.nl/

Kind regards,
