Welcome to the blog of FSX/P3D developer Dutcheeseblend! Enjoy reading!

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Best wishes!

Hi there!
I've been very busy last week, I even forgot to wish you all the best for Christmas... So, now, best wishes for the remainder of this period!
Regarding the T.5, the major part of the texture redo is done. This is how the cockpit looks now.
I've also redone the plafonnier here, thanks to new references.
What are the next plans for the T.5? Well, first addressing all these issues:
-- Add weak suggestion of structure in exterior wood bumpmaps.
-- Window textures not yet completely satisfactory.
-- Bump maps are too weak.
-- Set reflection scale everywhere to 100.
-- Add prototype 850 paintjob.
-- Landing lights/avionics switch label is too blurry.
-- Check screws at gauges.
-- Model control cables and horns on flight surfaces.
-- Wheel bays equipment (rubber bands etc.).
-- Exit 2: bad modelling of gunner area.
-- Crew head movement might be faster.
-- Commander should lean into turn (if possible).
-- Model control cables and horns on flight surfaces.
-- Lift-off too soon probably. Cross-check with original data (and loadcase!!) required.
-- Take-off trim requirement might be included for realistic behaviour.
-- Add crew/loadout management module.
-- Include specs sheets. 
Next, I will publish another beta...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Dutcheeseblend. I've been trying to get in contact with you regarding one of your planes.. Could you prehabs tell me where i can contact you for such matters?
